Welcome to the land of Rohan. The land was known as "Rohan" to the Men of Gondor, and its people the Rohirrim, meaning 'the Horse-lords'. This would be familiar to any who are familiar with the Tolkien's work in the Lord of The Rings.

With its center piece Meduseld, also known as the Golden Hall

The Golden Hall

Inside the Golden Hall

The founder and member wall

Rohan has a huge shopping mall (ask about buying a shop plot as we have lots of room)

On the way to the mall you will pass our bee farm as well as all our live stock

Since we are the horse lords we also have a huge stable

We also have a variety of food to harvest

We have a wool farm and an auto sugar cane farm

Need some XP points then try our Spider XP and Skeleton XP farms which are open to all (the skeleton xp sits back from the spider xp)

We have a nice Villager Trading Hall to use

We also have a steady supply of iron with the iron farm

And lastly we have the founder and member homes with plenty of extra plots available

So come pay Rohan a visit where you will always find friendly people