〰️ Waves Arena Application 〰️

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〰️ Waves Arena Application 〰️

Post by AvesWaves_ »

Uptown Build coordinates and Portal location: 84 / 94 / -1740
Builders: Aves_Felix and WallyDonkey
Helping hands: Emerald Shores Diggers’ Club

Cubeville’s brand-new Waves Arena is now officially applying as a Landmark! With its clever stepped pyramid design, featuring four floors that increase gradually in size as players get spleefed down, this arena offers a unique way to play one of Minecraft’s beloved minigames. Game hosts receive access to a dedicated hosting area that takes up a quarter of the arena, with private entry to all spleef floors via stairs.

Before or after a round, nubs are able to visit the internal shopping area to purchase special snacks to power up their health, or choose from an array of enchanted tools to compete with ruthless efficiency. Even for those who don’t feel like playing or have been eliminated, Waves Arena offers more to discover. Stairwells lead to specially designed levels to hang out, watch the ongoing match through transparent walls, and take in the sights and sounds of the tranquil surroundings.

Waves Arena is located at the heart of Cubeville’s thriving community of Emerald Shores, part of the Magmasia Empire, counting over 90 active players in its fold. This landmark will not only offer players a unique way to tackle some rounds of spleef, but will also open up Emerald Shores for exploration.




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Re: 〰️ Waves Arena Application 〰️

Post by BandNerdMama »

Voting has begun and should continue through 16 May. Results will be available soon afterward. Good luck!

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Re: 〰️ Waves Arena Application 〰️

Post by BandNerdMama »

The results are in! With a score of 356/440=80.91%, the Waves Spleef Arena has not only passed but has earned Quality Arena status!

As a Quality Spleef Arena, you have the following perks available to you:
- A region covering the entire arena
- A free portal from landmarks hub to your arena
- Command blocks to assist with hosting; specifically to control door opening/closing and block break allow/deny.
- Five free command blocks to set floor layers with a block type, and the ability to purchase up to five more for 150c each.

A detailed breakdown of your results is available upon request. As Wally has already requested them, I will include them in this post :lol:

Congratulations on your new CV spleef arena!

•Uniqueness• 84.5/110=76.81%
7/10 It is somewhat hard to identify a specific theme the arena is trying to be - there are wave patterns on the wall much like the name of the arena, but otherwise, it is a fairly generic arena build-wise. A good build, don’t get me wrong, but it’s only somewhat themed. If we assume the build is supposed to be water/ocean themed, well… there already is an arena that utilizes parts of that theme, so it’s hard to call it “unique”. Gameplay-wise, the concept of a pyramid-style playing area is really intriguing, and quite unique.

5/10: It's different than the two arenas we already have, although one of the other arenas is already ocean themed? I like the shape and how the floors get larger the further you fall. But it doesn't really have something extra that makes it especially unique and one of a kind. It's good but it's just sort of... fine?

8/10: I like the concept of the arena getting bigger every floor and i don't think i've seen arenas like that before. Even though its unique the first floor might be a bit too small.

9/10: There aren't many spleef arenas on this map, and I like that this one has floors of varying sizes as you drop. I think it would be a lot of fun to play. It's also gorgeous, as one would expect from a wally/aves build :-p

9/10: I like the changes in size of the floors. When I host in general, I tend to do this often.

10/10: The expanding arena is a cool concept that I haven't seen before on CV, and I think it is executed well here. It's a fun gimmick that affects gameplay in a real way without being too much. The build is also nice and definitely follows the waves theme.

7/10: This is definitely a unique arena! I like the idea of the tiered floor sizes, but I wonder how practical it is with more than a few players. Starting on such a small area for the top floor almost makes it seem like this floor is a waiting area (waiting to get spleefed) rather than an actual gameplay area.

10/10: It is a neat location as is seeing emerald shores has been one of the fastest growing population of an "unofficial town" . I love how it matches the waves and the goddess temple builds within emerald shores.

7.5/10: In terms of creative gameplay, well overall it’s a spleef arena, it was built to host spleef, and by all appearances fairly standard rounds of it, for the most part – however, it does introduce the idea of gradually increasing the arena floor size over four layers, which is a simple tweak but could prove intriguing, mainly by requiring more serious players to have to plan around it while trying to win. One could also argue that having a fourth layer in general is an unusual sight in a spleef arena, and I’m curious if that will introduce new challenges for players or the host. And of course the arena gains back several points for its aesthetic uniqueness – it’s an absolutely gorgeous build, and entering it really does feel like descending slowly into an icy sea.

7/10: Definitely a different feel than the other 2 available arenas, really nice attention to decorative detail and fully decking the place out.
I like the increasing floor sizes, but gameplay options otherwise appear very standard.

5/10: As far as this goes, it looked kind of plain. It seemed to have a nice modern finish, but that's also pretty common? It resembled hub a lot, which I noticed.
•Arena Setup• 141/165=85.45%
15/15: Very well done.

10/15: Rules are clear and prominently posted.
Most floors have adequate play area, however the top floor feels quite tight. That might be a fun bit of chaos to start the game with, but it feels fleeting for the loss of floor when you only have space for a few more levels.
The host has well labeled and convenient controls and a good view of the playing area
If the area at the top of the stairs is intended to be the arrival portal

12.5/15: The arena might have been designed to host fairly standard games, but its ability to host them appears well-executed – the build has a clean layout, and for the most part it's highly clear where spectators, hosts, and players should go throughout the process of hosting a game (the possible exception being that players who head down the left main staircase might need some navigation towards the arena entrance). I do like that each of the two entrance staircases has its own dedicated infoboard though – no excuse for nubs to not read the rules lol! Offering on-sight tools and snacks is always a welcome touch in player-made arenas, and I appreciate seeing both provided here. Again the varying floor size is a simple but neat idea that I suspect will give the sweats something to work around while playing, and there is definitely comedy potential in having players start the round on the teeny tiny top floor xD I can also see nubs deciding to just hang out bouncing on the slime carpet for fun after elimination lol. My main quibbles in this category are that the staircases in the hosting area make line of sight of the arena somewhat tricky in a few spots, and I could possibly see the stained glass separating the host area from the arena floor causing some trouble providing a completely clear view, though I’m less certain if that could potentially be an issue. I also don’t envy the host possibly having to run up all those flights of stairs from the bottom hosting area to the control panel, in the event of needing to quickly set up a deathmatch or similar. And again hopefully the top floor isn't too small to be playable on, though that might also be part of the fun lol.

14/15: I love the way there are different sizes of flooring within the playing area, there is a big hosting area which is separated from those who are playing. I like the rental shops but does concern me for those either younger or new that don't have enough cubes to provide the rental fees to get tools to play. Seems like there may be a disadvantage there. Rules are posted on the end of each staircase. It is very clean and organized.

12/15: The lower three floors are wonderfully sized for a game of spleef. As mentioned above, I’m concerned about the size of the top floor; might consider making it 10x10? There are very clear rules posted. In the hosting area there is a board already set up for running the game. It is well thought-out and should aid in a seamless hosted game of spleef.

13/15: Rules are easy to find and are displayed in multiple locations. A suggestion I have for the hosting area is that it might be useful to add lift signs to make it easier for hosts to quickly view and switch between floors. My only concern with the arena itself is that the bottom layer is pretty large. Even with the understanding that most players will end up falling through the first few layers quickly, I can still imagine that games might end up dragging for a long time since there's so much room for people to disperse as you get to the lower floors. This could probably be mitigated by just leaving the bottom layers empty during games where there are less players, though.

13/15: Taking the items from the uniqueness, can this support a death match at the end of a round? With a lot of players, will it be too crowded on the top floor?

15/15: This is set up with four playing floors, and clear rules posted on each side of the top floor. I like the design of the small floor at the top and working down to the larger bottom floor.

12/15: The arena gets bigger every time, so i'd say it is big enough, even though that, the glass details make it feel small and crowded, the rules are well listed and the controls are very good!

14/15: The setup is good. The rules are posted clearly at both entrances, the floors are really good, I really like the floors, the hosting area looks good as well.

10.5/15 The top floor is a bit cramped, especially when you consider that that will be where players gather when the round starts - it will be absolute mayhem, and then it will have not mattered much to the game rather quickly. Beyond the top floor, the play area is fairly sizable. There are rules posted, and they are fairly clear, but they are also fairly… missable? They are a bit out of the way of the actual entrance. There should be signs saying “Have you read the rules? Find them behind you!” or something like that at the entrance to the playing area, in a fairly obvious place, so that players cannot miss the rules. The hosting area seems generally well made, with viewing areas for each floor included. My main concern with it is that it would be a bit of a journey to enter the playing area from there and get back, which is sometimes necessary in the case of islanding & other circumstances.
•Viewing/Waiting• 81.5/110=74.09%
7/10: The viewing area is well made to allow players to watch the current game, including easy movement between levels. Outside of watching the current match, there isn’t much to do while waiting for the next round. There are shops to purchase basic food/tools at, but otherwise, there just isn’t much to do. The build for the viewing area is at least nice, though there isn’t too much interest to it.

3/10: The viewing area is set up well but again, it's very basic. There's not much you can do within the arena except watch? I was kind of hoping there would be more

7/10: The spectator are is good, just again that the different glass colours make it look too crowded, maybe would be better to use the same colour of blocks for the viewing area??

9/10: The viewing area is large on three sides, as the fourth side is for the host, with plenty of space to see the game. There are multiple sets of stairs to make going up and down levels easy. the top level has a set of shops for food and tools, ready for easy access if you don't have your own. The only thing I would add is lift signs in case some people prefer to not use the stairs.

9.5/10: Like all the staircases. Easy to get around. Plenty of room to see on most floors. Do wonder about the top floor for it though since it's pretty small.

7/10: The viewing area is sufficient, if a little basic; there's stands selling food and tools, but aside from that it's pretty barebones. I would have liked to see at least something small added to do while you wait; aside from leaving the arena entirely and wandering Emerald Shores, there really isn't much that can be done or seen in between rounds.

7/10: In the waiting area there is the rule board, and there’s easy access to the stair wells. Spectators will be able to clearly see the match as it’s going. I really like how you’ve added shops for tools and health boosters/food to the waiting area. However, there is not much of visual interest once you are accustomed to the randomized glass and quartz combo. There is little decor in the area outside the arena itself, but there is plenty of room for things like benches, more statues, plants, etc.

8/10: Large viewing area, however not much to do in-between besides watch and grab a couple snacks. There is easy access to each floor with stairs and a speed boost beacon, I think it may also be nice to have some lift signs as well .

8/10: The viewing area wraps around the arena floors and is very very pretty, but suffers from some slight bottlenecking between the arena walls and the staircases between viewing levels. It’s not a major issue, there’s still a solid three-block-wide ring around the entire arena, but it’s a bit of a mild squeeze under the staircases, instinct suggests going around them rather than under them, though maybe that’s just me. Plus once again, I worry that the choice of stained glass as the barrier between the arena and viewing area might not provide the most clarity while watching a game. Overall though the viewing area looks like it’ll do its job well, and like the rest of the arena, look beautiful while doing so lol.

6/10: Good clear view and easy access to all floors, the glass floors aid in keeping an overview of the game and you won't be wanting for stairs.
While there is a good view of the game

10/10: It was really nice and well laied out!
•Surrounding Area• 49.5/55=90%
3.5?/5: Emerald shores is a really nice place, but it also doesn't have much of a theme correlation to the spleef arena itself. It can be kind of hard to find the arena, I missed it a few times without the tpid.

5/5: Emerald shores is a really nice setting and a great place for a spleef arena, it's nicely worked in to its district.

4.5/5: I’ll be completely honest, I’m not a hundred percent certain what entails the surrounding area of this arena, due to the nature of its location, or how in the name of Phanku an NBZ would work for this build xD Thankfully both the immediate tunnels that the arena resides in, and the central areas of Emerald Shores that those reside in, all appear to be tidy and lovingly tended to, and the arena has been integrated nicely into this pre-established area, so it’s still fairly easy to access. A brief sweep of the area with LLO found adequate light levels throughout, and no other glaring safety hazards. I do somewhat wish that there were some signs posted in the vicinity of the arena, since there’s no real indication of its existence until you enter the tunnel intersection, and even coming out of the portal it might take a minute to realize you need to circle around the stairwell in front of you to enter the arena proper. All of that starts to feel almost like grasping for something to nitpick about in this category though, at this point xD No major issues here.

5/5: The surrounding areas brings you to emerald shores, it will be nice to bring more nubs to see the community, as for the spleef arena itself everything looks well lit, it is built and decorated really well.

5/5: Given that this arena is underground, I’d say the surrounding area is not of much concern here. The tunnels outside the arena are well-decorated and look like a bustling subway in a busy town.

4.5/5: The arena is incorporated pretty seamlessly into what appears to be a shopping district of Emerald Shores. It's a cool area! There is a wall directly outside the arena(with the giant map) that appears to be under construction and looks a little rough, but since it's within a village I'm not sure how much control anyone creating the arena has over it and I assume it will be finished later. Other than that, looks great! Everything is well-lit.

4.5/5: The facility is just gorgeous. It ties in with some of the temples around, but really stands out from the eclectic vision that is Emerald Shores.

4/5: Surrounding area is the community of emerald shores. Not a whole lot to really say about that. From outside it's a little harder to find your way in. Some more signs outside might be helpful for that.

5/5: The surrounding area is really good, the access to it is very clear once you get to town and the town looks pretty overall

4/5: Putting it underground knocked out a lot of surrounding area problems. It works well with the area because of that.

4.5/5: The surrounding area is the settlement of Emerald Shores, which is pretty well lit, includes several stores nearby to the arena, and in general is fairly well made, though a bit crowded. The spleef arena doesn’t feel particularly out of place, especially given the lack of direct theme in Emerald Shores. The north tunnel could perhaps use being a bit more decorated, though, especially given how close it is to the arena. There’s also some shulker boxes that have been left in the tunnel outside the arena, although at this point they’re more of a decorative feature in Emerald Shores than anything.
•Additional Comments•
I don't love the look of the arena. The amount of glass is kind of trippy and there are a lot of shapes on the walls. Everything just looks like a lot. But it looks nice? Not really my style. Sorry for being so harsh!!

A spider spawned on me inside of the arena while i was writing.

Like the arctic fox additions.

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