Made an FNF mod with voices!

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Made an FNF mod with voices!

Post by Clanky_Minecraft »

Hey there! I made a cover for songs on a mod that I like. All the voices that were included in it go to RecD:

The voices I got the voices from is this video:

And the link for the mod is here:

I don't own this mod, however you can make some covers on it.

How to play:

Launch the .exe and once you choose play and choose your difficulty, you'll see arrows on the screen after the cutscene. They are used to play, if you fail, You'll need to retry. To pause, just press the enter key. To hit the arrows, use the arrow keys on your keyboard, or WASD. To cahnge the arrow keybinds you can by goming into the main menu then choose settings using the arrow keys and the enter key. When you finished the game, you unlock the gallery where you can see before art, about Boy 'n Girl, etc. Boy 'n Girl are the characters you play against. The lemon shaped character, called the Boggieman in the files, is bascially the final boss of the game.

Enjoy playing!
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A nubtuber and a tech nub
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