[Guide] Subzones

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[Guide] Subzones

Post by ToeMan_ »

Creating Subzones

Creating subzones is fairly simple and very similar to creating a custom, personal region/claim.
Steps to Create a Subzone
Step 1. - Type "//wand" to bring up the region selection tool

Step 2. - Left click a corner of the area you want claimed with the wand. Right click the opposite corner with the wand.

Step 3. - Type "//size" to show you the current dimensions you have just selected.

Step 4. - Adjust the region selection (as you did in step 2) larger or smaller if you want or need to.

Step 5. - If you don't want to have your region extend from bedrock to sky, skip this step. Type "//expand vert"

Step 6. - If you completed the previous step by typing "//expand vert", skip this step. Type "//expand <number> <direction>" For example, if you want your region to be extended 25 blocks higher, you would type "//expand 25 up". If you wanted it expanded lowed, you would type "//expand 25 down".

Step 7. - Now that you have your region selected, type "/subzone <region name it is inside> <subzone name>" Example: "/subzone ToE's_awesome_house toe's_library" Success! You have subzoned a region!

Managing Subzones

Managing subzones is the exact same as managing any region/claim. See the "Creating Regions/Claims" and "Regions Flags" guides.
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