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[Guide] Colored Signs

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 7:52 pm
by WallyDonkey
Once you place down your sign, all you have to do is write a color code on it and any text after it on the same line will become that color. The formatting codes are as follows.

&0 - Black (Default)
&1 - Dark Blue
&2 - Green
&3 - Aqua
&4 - Maroon
&5 - Purple
&6 - Gold
&7 - Gray
&8 - Dark Gray
&9 - Blue
&a - Neon Green
&b - Light Blue
&c - Red
&d - Pink
&e - Yellow
&f - White

Text Formatting
&k - Randomized Text
&l - Bold
&m - Strikethrough
&n - Underline
&o - Italicized

&r - Reset (Resets any color/formatting codes before it)

For example, if my sign text is "&cHello World!", my sign will change to "Hello World!" in red letters when I click done. If you ever need to display an ampersand without having the color change, you must type two in a row, "&&".


Guide by GoalieGuy6 and Hjortshoej