PVP is a hard thing to do, especially after the 1.9 combat update. Before, it was just spam clicking, but now there are plenty of ways to clobber your enemy, since previous versions' tactics could be outdated, so here are some things I use when I fight. I have shooting positions, tactics, and more!
1. Don't spam click!
Spam clicking was a famous way to fight back before 1.9. But spam clicking is a very useless way to fight right now. Since if you spam click, you won't do much damage, and the opponent has a large chance to counterattack you either with a sword, potion, or bow. Instead, wait for the attack meter to be AT LEAST %50.
2. CTF tactics
Since CTF is a fun game, there is a huge thing to be aware of. To defend your flag! I know that most ppl know about it, but I never do see any in action, but here's a pro tactic to fight.
1. add a decoy for opponents to target on, and send some offensive fighters to sneak to the enemy base.
2. Remember to defend your base from enemies. The best area to fight from is above the flag, in the fort of the base, since you can hide from your enemies and trick them to go in your base and destroy them from above.
3. Kits are pretty useful, but you shouldn't choose them randomly. The kits do have purposes, too. OFFENSIVE KITS: Since you'll be going to steal the flag, you need to be quick. Recommended kits are rouges, with the invis potions and the archer. DECOY: since you want the enemy to be distracted as possible, the recommended kit is the mage, since it has many items to heal and make time. DEFENSIVE: since you will want to destroy the stealers, get kits like the rough due to it's immense power from the diamond sword.
If you combinate all of these CTF tips, you should be ready to fight.
3. have the lower ground in archery.
To get many critical hits, here's a perfect position to shoot. Have your ground on a lower front from your opponent, which has a roof. Then aim at the enemy from your armored area, and go back into your armored front. You probably know what to do know.
4. Chasing
To chase effectively, first think where the enemy will escape to. Then slightly curve around to where the enemy where go, and strike. If you have a bow, use the bow lol. If you are getting chased, (im sure many of u know this but) aim back and shoot quickly with your bow. Do the same with potions. If you don't have a bow, strike back with your sword by not moving a bit, letting the enemy pass through u, and strike from the back.
5. Let your enemy win a bit
If you are OP against the opponent, let them win a bit. They'll get cheered up a little bit.
Epich's PVP tips
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