(posting on behalf of AllergenX)
Creative World Council
NOTE: This group is not affiliated in any official capacity with the Cubeville Server or its staff.
We are excited to be announcing a new project in CW! This will be in the form of the Creative World Council, a group looking to come together and discuss ideas around the Creative World on Cubeville, vote on suggestions and relay them to staff via the Staff Liaison (fredlime). Our current interim leader until we hold an election is AllergenX.
We will meet once every 2 weeks - please watch this thread for details of the first meeting which will not happen until we have elected a president and got enough applications for membership. Exact time and schedule of such meetings will be revealed in due course after that has taken place.
We hope to host an election soon for the role of President with the help of an independent election officer - if you would like to volunteer to manage the election, please contact AllergenX directly. This means you will not be able to endorse a candidate or partake in the election, but you shall run it from behind the scenes.
(if this image doesn't load, right click the symbol and select 'open in new tab'.)
Our headquarters and meeting place is at /home fredlime next to the Magmasian Parliament. You can also submit points you'd like to raise at future meetings through the discussions box next to the signs there. If you would like to join the council who sit in the meeting chamber and debate the ideas raised, please fill out the form below.
click v
Application Form CWC