The Cubeville Skinmaking Competition is now closed, and voting is open. All players are asked to submit their votes to me (Saemai) via forum PM, discord DM or in-game PM. You are voting for your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices. You can include comments about each skin and they will be shared with the results, though that is optional.
The entries eligible to be voted on are as follows:
When voting, please remember that you are voting based on which was the best skin made for the theme, "Adventurer". You should not just be voting for your friends or people you know, be honest. All votes are anonymous and will remain that way.
Voting is open until 11:59pm Saturday 24th October 2020.
Skinmaking Competition: Voting
Re: Skinmaking Competition: Voting
I'm pleased to announce the winners of our skinmaking competition, congrats!
1st Place - ChaoticCade
2nd Place - AgentZ
3rd Place - MCG8
If you are a winner, please message me letting me know which prize for your bracket you would like. For reference:
1st Place - ChaoticCade
2nd Place - AgentZ
3rd Place - MCG8
If you are a winner, please message me letting me know which prize for your bracket you would like. For reference:
✩ 1st Place - Additional Ores Minirank / OR / Obsidian Placement Minirank / OR / 500 cubes
✩ 2nd Place - Additional Logs Minirank / OR / Glass Placement Minirank / OR / 250 cubes
✩ 3rd Place - Additional Flint Minirank / OR / Mycelium Placement Minirank / OR / 125 cubes
Note that miniranks stay with you throughout map changes, whilst cubes are reset each map. You may want to take that into consideration when you choose your prize.
Re: Skinmaking Competition: Voting
MC not to be rude but how does your skin fit into the adventurer theme? Im just curious why you chose that skin to represent the theme
CONGRATZ all of you!

CONGRATZ all of you!
Joined CV September 18th 2020 and loves this server and never wants to leave

Re: Skinmaking Competition: Voting
it has a coat and a packpack and boots >.>
gratz agent and cade!

Join Cubeville May 6th 2017
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