Hi Mir. I took a very very quick look around, and noticed a few things -
The wall seems it would work fine. Inside the walls there are many large areas of space that need lighting up still.
The town hall looks nice, I see all the founders listed. Who would be the mayor?
I didn't see any type of "town center" though i do see directional signs throughout.
You definitely have plenty of farms available. They need some lighting, but otherwise are more than enough.
I didn't specifically look for everyone's homes yet.
I did also notice that you are built right against the town of Hoth, as well as a build by Mr. Elders. If I am remembering the area correctly, this is also where a couple of players -theduckpression and another - have the underground base that's been built on top of. You'd need Hoth and Mr. Elder's permission to be so close, and duck and the other player would need to be added as members to the village.
If you're unable to get village status, remember that everything will be protected once the map closes. You'll even have very easy access to get over to visit it with Hoth so close. On Map 7 You can build a new village and have plenty of time
EDITED TO ADD: while you are right up against the edge of Hoth's NBZ, I should clarify that I'm wrong in you being too close to the town itself. There just will be no space for an NBZ for you on that side.
EDIT AGAIN: Duck, Plesadomi, and MrElders gave the ok, so we just need you to finish lighting and figure out a "town center" and tell me who the mayor would be