Naturville Late Application

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Naturville Late Application

Post by Mir07 »

I just know most of you are busy about CV7 and working on some stuff about it, so if there's no time to apply it, just leave it. Next year will be :D
I think its little late, but i wanted to finish what ive been working a half year, so i decided to apply Naturville to village

Maplink: ... /Cubeville

The wall has more than 15 turns

Founders: Sirannikus, KittyKittensMC, Brunimir, Bernimir, and me :D
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by Tisjstme »

Good Luck.
I have had a lot of experience making Villages. And, truly you can have it done in a few days.
1. Make sure your land is a cuboid and doesn't encroach on someone else's land. (Keeping your 40 block, or 100 block if you want it to be correct, away.)
2. You only have to make the basics of what is needed.
3. A 3.5 high wall with an outer edge to stop spiders climbing it and at least 1 gate on all sides.
4. A town centre, this can be a tree (preferably a large oak will do with some flowers around it), or a fountain with paths coming out to the other builds and signs to show the way.
5. Farm 20 x 10 with 2 crops. (Wheat and potatoes will do.)
6. A town hall/a large enough nub shack to house the rules, founders names and notice board (<-- this can also be at the town centre).
7. 4 homes, 3 founder and 1 member. These can be an inner size of 3 x 3 nub shack with a bed, crafting table, chest, flower in pot and a picture on the wall. Also name on the outside.
8. Lastly, make sure you light the whole area up completely.
Think on this for next maps village. I bet you will be surprized at how easy it is to get one running.
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by saemai »

Tis has good advice here, and sure has plenty of experience. xD I just want to add though that these are her personal recommendations and not strictly the village requirements. :3

Having a cuboid region definitely helps if you want to be able to make your own subzones, (and it's easier for staff, too!) but a cuboid region may not work well for all designs, and that's ok, too. Spider-proofing your wall is also a really good idea, for obvious reasons, but not required. Town centers can be builds or any number of things, a tree or a fountain are great examples of the many ways you can accommodate a town center. Village farms only need to be 10x10, it can help your village to add more, but you do not have to for village status. :)
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by Mir07 »

When I joined this project, it was already started, and CV6 was about to go full, so we were not able to make a cube, and I am sorry because it has more turns than I've expected :^
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by Tisjstme »

That's ok Mir. Was only giving you ideas for next map to get your village up and running quicker. You don't have to make them all perfect towns just to get village stat is all I was saying. You just have to build a basic village with all the right criteria.

Sae said:
Village farms only need to be 10x10, it can help your village to add more, but you do not have to for village status. :)

I was only meaning u need 1 farm 20 x 10 with 2 crops. OR 2 10 x 10 farms.
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by LissaLaine »

Hi Mir. I took a very very quick look around, and noticed a few things -

The wall seems it would work fine. Inside the walls there are many large areas of space that need lighting up still.
The town hall looks nice, I see all the founders listed. Who would be the mayor?
I didn't see any type of "town center" though i do see directional signs throughout.
You definitely have plenty of farms available. They need some lighting, but otherwise are more than enough.
I didn't specifically look for everyone's homes yet.
I did also notice that you are built right against the town of Hoth, as well as a build by Mr. Elders. If I am remembering the area correctly, this is also where a couple of players -theduckpression and another - have the underground base that's been built on top of. You'd need Hoth and Mr. Elder's permission to be so close, and duck and the other player would need to be added as members to the village.
If you're unable to get village status, remember that everything will be protected once the map closes. You'll even have very easy access to get over to visit it with Hoth so close. On Map 7 You can build a new village and have plenty of time :)

EDITED TO ADD: while you are right up against the edge of Hoth's NBZ, I should clarify that I'm wrong in you being too close to the town itself. There just will be no space for an NBZ for you on that side.

EDIT AGAIN: Duck, Plesadomi, and MrElders gave the ok, so we just need you to finish lighting and figure out a "town center" and tell me who the mayor would be :)
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by Mir07 »

Tha kyou! I'll dm you soon
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by Tisjstme »

I have been spending the day lighting up the place for you. I have come across a region in the village that need torches.
Region name: Capsapartments - Owner Captain_Dog27, member sub2shark - in lobby.

I think I have got them all, did roofs too. So Lissa Can you plz go check it again with ur majyk fly hax. The terrain there is a killer.
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by LissaLaine »

Hi! I have a couple quick things to have you fix, but I did go ahead and put down the region.

The region is Naturville
Mayor: Mir07

SirAnnikus, KittyKittensMC, Brunimir, Bernimir, and Mir07 as owners

This_Ally, Galaxygurl12, mindraftdee, zzachary, TisJstMe, Theduckpression, and Plesadomi as members.

Mir, I'll DM you tomorrow with the last couple things, I also need to get out there and figure out the NBZ, but ran out of time. As a Poly region, an admin has to do any subzoning, but given the time contraints, if you trust someone you could just add them as a full region member for the time being. If not, I will have limited time this week to subzone, and I know the others are quite busy.

Congrats nubs :)
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Re: Naturville Late Application

Post by Fireheads »

Yayyy! Mir I’m glad you got status after a year and a half! Maybe you should have applied a month ago if it was that easy to get the permission from the peeps...
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