Huge Ideas/ Suggestions ( That probably won't be added )

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Huge Ideas/ Suggestions ( That probably won't be added )

Post by Wethecreature »

Hello CV This is my Huge Idea list, that probably won't be added! ( Last is the best )

#1 Player Guides, A Easy to Apply for Server Job

You might not get what I mean by that, so here's my explanation , When a player joins the server the most player interaction they get is " Welcome to CV " and the rest of the server is explained by little signs what if, instead of sign ( signs staying an option along guides ) players apply for a job known as a Guide, a Guide's only job is too welcome new players by going to the spawn and giving them a grand tour of the server to the extent they want of course. This would likely make players feel more welcomed to the server by interacting with players face to face in the start. They would also get access to a command that allows them to tp to the place where new players spawn.

#2 A full on upgrade to the Marketplace

You may or may not notice that the Market is quite basic, what could be changed? A idea I had was allowing players to apply for a business title. Now not a lot of players advertise huge businesses in the mch BUT what if players could apply to have their business recognized as a server business, lets say I applied for a business title and my business is RailroadBuilding™ and I got accepted my Market chat would now appear as... RailroadBuilding™ OwnerWethecreature(c): Selling railroad materials.

#3 New ways to make money

Some players ( such as myself ) aren't very good at pulling together cubes, partly because we're lazy and partly because we aren't very good at it. So why not add one more way to give players cubes. This new way I call, Cube Pouches, the idea involves Supply drops being placed around the map every month lets say in a small zone around the supply drop, you can build, break, and PvP. When you open this Cube Pouch supply drop inside is a bunch of cubes and one pretty good item. This might as well be a way to get players to also gather together and interact.

#4 Finale Probably Controversial huge Idea

Now this might be the craziest idea because in CV7 people have done so much and are not ready to be done yet, but as of the new update 1.18 already coming out so soon. This could be a problem, CV is on 1.16, now we have 1.17 coming next, but by the time its 1.17, we will already have around 1.20 possibly ( maybe behind or further) but it feels as if being quite behind, now I would guess that this happens all the time where CV is behind but , but my idea I thought of was What if CV7 Ended Early?!!! Now this is just an idea and has a %0.00001 chance of happening, maybe lower.

Thank You for reading 'till the end! Have a good day!
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